Thursday, February 5, 2009

Obama going Green

Barack Obama shows action on the energy front who ordered his government on Thursday to establish higher efficiency standards for household appliances such as dishwashers, lamps and microwave ovens. This sounds great to me; it will help cope with our environmental problems. This will save consumers money, this will spark innovation, and this will conserve vast amounts of energy. Obama has taken a major step toward letting California and other states target greenhouse gases through stricter auto emission standards. And he has also ordered new federal rules directing automakers to start making more fuel efficient cars as required by law.


  1. Wow, this man will definitely do great things for this desperate country. I honestly don’t know very much about the man, and I hate being swayed by others opinion when I haven’t formed own yet myself, But from what you said it really shows that he’s acting quickly and efficiently. He’s not lounging around and overdoing his celebration of presidency. It’s nice to know that even if he fails to improve the economy, I know he worked harder then ever to try. And although that may not be much to most people, it shows a lot to me. He’s a perfect example of a hard worked, and I respect him so much for that.

  2. I think it's time for a change in this country. Its been a great election and to have the first African American as a President is amazing that we lived through history being made.
