Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Seeking Tax Increase in Budget Plan

President Barack Obama proposed almost $1 trillion in higher taxes over the next decade on the highest earning Americans. Obama’s 2010 budget proposal would reinstate the top two Clinton era tax rates of 36 percent and 39.6 percent, up from the 33 percent and 35 percent the richest Americans pay now. This would affect about 2.6 million taxpayers.

1 comment:

  1. I have no idea why so many people voted for him, it was obvious he was going to raise taxes, not cut them. How in the world do you say you are going to cut taxes for 95% of Americans, than flip-flop and change your mind all the time, especially while we are in an econmic crisis. And the only was America is getting money for this stimulus bill is from where? Our wallets! That is the only way to somehow put money into the economy to help it circulate, because borrowing from China would put us into even more debt, which would certainly kill us.
    My point is why would people elect a guy to office with very little political experience. He was only in the U.S. Senate for 4 years, the latter 2 spent running a campaign for president. The first 2 he abstained from nearly every vote that was put out in the senate. He was sitting on his ass getting paid to do jack while hard-working Americans are putting money in his pocket to feed his family. I do not think that is right.
